Charis Eyberg

Let the Journey Begin


I’m excited to share with you a special opportunity the Lord has given me.

I have been accepted into a program called E4 Life through Rocky Mountain Calvary (RMC) in Colorado Springs, CO.

E4 Life is a 10-month missions and discipleship program for young adults 18-25. This program equips and enables young adults to become godly men and women through practicing daily disciplines, taking discipleship and Bible classes, excursions to deserts and mountains, then traveling to Peru for three months. This will be followed by another international trip where we will practice everything we have spent the year learning.

What is E4 Life?

Would you consider partnering with me?

Join My Email List

I’d like to invite you to join my email list where you’ll receive updates, photos, and prayer requests during my preparation and time with E4 Life.

Thank you for your willingness to take part of this journey with me.

Two Ways You Can Help

    1. The primary way you can partner with me is through regular prayer support. Here are a couple of special requests:
      • That my team would be disciplined in our training as we prepare to start in August, and that we would have physical health, strength, and endurance
      • We would be discerning to keep God and His gospel at the center of our endeavors
    2. The second way you can support me is financially. The cost for this 10-month program (including materials, housing, meals, training and international travel) is $16,900. Pastor Chuck Smith often said, “Where God guides, God provides”, and I am trusting God to meet this need.

      I humbly ask if you would consider supporting me. If you are interested in partnering with me financially, there are two ways you can do so:

      • Through a one-time tax-deductible gift of any amount.
      • Monthly tax-deductible gifts that could start immediately and continue through January 2026. Half the cost ($8,450) is due when the program begins in August 2025, and the second half is due by January 2026, prior to leaving for Peru. Charis Eyberg E4 Life DonationSimply check One Time or Recurring >> E4 Life Mission Donation >> Designation: Charis Eyberg

        Thank you!

Two Ways You Can Help

The primary way you can partner with me is through regular prayer support. Here are a couple of special requests:

• That my team would be disciplined in our training as we prepare to start in August, and that we would have physical health, strength, and endurance

• We would be discerning to keep God and His gospel at the center of our endeavors

The second way you can support me is financially. The cost for this 10-month program (including materials, housing, meals, training and international travel) is $16,900. Pastor Chuck Smith often said, “Where God guides, God provides”, and I am trusting God to meet this need.

I humbly ask if you would consider supporting me. If you are interested in partnering with me financially, there are two ways you can do so:

• Through a one-time tax-deductible gift of any amount.

• Monthly tax-deductible gifts that could start immediately and continue through January 2026. Half the cost ($8,450) is due when the program begins in August 2025, and the second half is due by January 2026, prior to leaving for Peru.

Charis Eyberg E4 Life Donation Simply check One Time or Recurring >> E4 Life Mission Donation >> Designation: Charis Eyberg

Thank you!

Join My Email List

I’d like to invite you to join my email list where you’ll receive updates, photos, and prayer requests during my preparation and time with E4 Life.

Thank you for your willingness to take part of this journey with me.

Two Ways You Can Help

    1. The primary way you can partner with me is through regular prayer support. Here are a couple of special requests:
      • That my team would be disciplined in our training as we prepare to start in August, and that we would have physical health, strength, and endurance
      • We would be discerning to keep God and His gospel at the center of our endeavors
    2. The second way you can support me is financially. The cost for this 10-month program (including materials, housing, meals, training and international travel) is $16,900. Pastor Chuck often said, “Where God guides, God provides”, and I am trusting God to meet this need. I humbly ask if you would consider supporting me. If you are interested in partnering with me financially, there are two ways you can do so:
      • Through a one-time tax-deductible gift of any amount.
      • Monthly tax-deductible gifts that could start immediately and continue through January 2026. Half the cost ($8,450) is due when the program begins in August 2025, and the second half is due by January 2026, prior to leaving for Peru. Charis Eyberg E4 Life Donation Simply check One Time or Recurring >> E4 Life Mission Donation >> Designation: Charis Eyberg

        Thank you!


If you have any questions about the E4 Life program, or if you just want to reach out and say hi, please email me. I look forward to hearing from you.